December 16, 2019
Drs. H. Michael Zhang and Fraser Shilling, along with Ph.D. and M.S. students Rafee Musabbir and Justin Darr, respectively, met with representatives from the California Department of Public Health’s Injury and Violence Prevention (IV) Branch, formerly the Safe and Active Communities Branch, Orion Stewart, Ph.D. Research Scientist II, Program Researcher, Nana Tufuoh, M.D., M.P.H., Research Scientist III, Program Researcher, and Marianne Hernandez, M.S. Health Program Specialist. The purpose of the meeting was to learn more about both the Comprehensive Metric to Evaluate the Impacts of Transportation and Environment on Community Health project and the Crash Medical Outcomes Data (CMOD) project to explore possible overlap opportunities to further each other’s goals.
There is a possible collaboration related to traffic injury and fatality datasets the department has assembled and uses to study health impacts of traffic crashes. Fraser Shilling’s work with the UC Davis Medical Center to develop end-to-end informatics solutions, from traffic to health outcomes, was also discussed. Dr. Shilling is with the UC Davis National Center of Sustainable Transportation as well as a CTECH researcher. The San Francisco Vision Zero project is working towards similar ends by linking crash data to medical data.

Photo from left to right:
Rafee Musabbir, Justin Darr, Orion Stewart, Nana Tufuoh, Marianne Hernandez, Michael Zhang, Fraser Shilling