May 20, 2022
4:40 p.m. ET
Atiyya Shaw
Postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley
and an incoming assistant professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Transportation systems are currently facing unprecedented challenges, compounded by unpredictable technological disruptions, that make it critical to take a fresh look at the approaches and tools used by civil engineers to effectively meet and advance human needs. Historically, we see that transportation development patterns have often compromised users’ wellbeing, due in part to inequitable policies, dependence on outdated and underperforming forecasting models and associated data, and an unawareness/reluctance regarding new methods that focus on the measurement of individuals’ traits and behaviors. Accordingly, given the present conditions of rapid urban growth, coupled with the increasing volume and availability of user-centered passive, big data streams that characterize connected cities, the time is ripe for transportation engineers to refocus our attention on the humans that we serve. In this talk, I outline data driven and methodological avenues for prioritizing user-centered transportation outcomes, followed by select samples of my work within these approaches.
Biographical Sketch:
Atiyya Shaw is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and an incoming assistant professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She recently completed her Ph.D. in transportation engineering at Georgia Tech, and holds M.Sc. degrees in Civil Engineering and Psychology, as well as a BSCE. Broadly, her research vision prioritizes people as the most important element of transportation systems, with her research expertise centering on survey design and analysis, passive and big data for transportation modeling, travel behavior, and human factors engineering.