Consortium Opportunities

The Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health (CTECH) pursues research and innovation to support sustainable mobility of people and goods while preserving the environment and improving community health. CTECH is actively seeking to grow our network and welcomes public, private and non-profit involvement to advance research, testing, application, and dissemination and training of sustainable transportation technology that benefits human health and our environment. We believe these partnerships are essential to successfully and efficiently commercialize technology, affect public policy, and influence related human behaviors. There are a variety of ways to engage with CTECH to advance the development and deployment of research and technologies.

  • Support research of interest in CTECH through a financial or in-kind gift. Projects to-date can be found on our project descriptions page  and new projects are evaluated and funded annually.
  • Broaden our impact by providing needed research data and/or opportunities to test research via real-world practitioners.
  • Engage faculty, graduate and undergraduate students in projects or internships to collaboratively solve existing challenges. Longer term benefits from these efforts could lead to optimal placement benefit for employers and graduating students.
  • Participate in panels and/or seminars to assist in educating and driving research in relevant topic areas.
  • Assist in disseminating information and/or provide opportunities for CTECH to do outreach education within your organizations or networks.
  • Partner with CTECH by financially sponsoring research in areas of shared interest including levels that secures a place on our Technical Advisory Board. This provides these stakeholders exposure to current research accomplishments at our annual meetings as well as providing valuable input on recent industry trends, challenges and the direction of future initiatives.
