Driving Real Progress: Transportation Research, Community Health, and Forward Visioning

Oliver Gao, CTECH, and Kaan Ozbay, C2SMART, led a plenary entitled Driving Real Progress: Transportation Research, Community Health, and Forward Visioning session, moderated by Cornell University’s Bridgette Brady, CAPP, at the Managing Urban Mobility (and Parking) collaborative meeting, November 12-13, 2019 in Brooklyn, New York at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering. The event was hosted by the International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI) and Connected Cities with Smart Transportation (C2SMART). The two-day event convened select leaders from the largest cities across the country for a discussion about the evolving mobility landscape and its effects on transportation and parking – and living – in our cities. More information is available at https://www.parking-mobility.org/nyc2019/.