Caltrans’ Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Program
Rachel Carpenter
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Branch Chief
California Department of Transportation
This seminar took place on November 22, 2019.
View the Caltrans’ Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Program Webinar
As recommended by California’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), Caltrans is working to develop a pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvement program. This presentation by Rachel Carpenter provided an overview of what has been completed since the program’s inception in 2016 as well as next steps. Specifics behind the below listed efforts were shared.
- the 2016 (Pilot) Pedestrian Collision Monitoring Program,
- the 2018 (Pilot) Bicyclist Collision Monitoring Program,
- the 2020 Pedestrian Collision Monitoring Program,
- pedestrian and bicyclist safety training, and
- modifications to California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety and operations.
Rachel is the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Branch Chief with the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Division of Traffic Operations. She is responsible for setting the direction and priorities in the establishment of both bicyclist and pedestrian safety improvement programs. Rachel is a member of the TRB’s Standing Committee on Bicycle Transportation. She joined Caltrans in 2014 after leaving the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA) Livable Streets Subdivision. While with the SFMTA, she worked as a project manager and design engineer for multiple bicycle facility, pedestrian safety and traffic calming projects. Prior to joining the SFMTA, Rachel worked as a Graduate Student Researcher with the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. She holds both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Civil Engineering, and is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer in California. Rachel spent four years volunteering as a City of Lafayette Circulation Commission Member, and currently volunteers as a City of Sacramento Active Transportation Commission Member.