Dynamic Driving and Routing Games for Autonomous Vehicles on Networks: A Mean Field Game Approach Webinar April 8, 2021EventsCharissa King-O'Brien
Florida Department of Transportation District 7 Program Management and Specialty Engineering Seminar March 4, 2021NewsCharissa King-O'Brien
Cross Border Transportation and Environmental/Health Issues Webinar February 3, 2021EventsCharissa King-O'Brien
UTEP Tracks Traffic-Related Air Pollution Near Regional School Zones October 8, 2020NewsCharissa King-O'Brien
Drone Integration – Where are we now and where are we headed? September 29, 2020News, UncategorizedCharissa King-O'Brien
CTECH researcher and UTEP M.S. candidate, Emiliano Ruiz, Strives to Optimize Airport Security Screening Checkpoints September 18, 2020NewsCharissa King-O'Brien